News Brief

Small Satellite: The Key to Access Space Technology for Cambodia
Small Satellite: The Key to Access Space Technology for Cambodia 1024 536 Cambodia Development Center

AUTHOR *Mr. Morokot Sakal is a researcher and lecturer in the IT faculty of the American University of Phnom Penh,…

The Time is Now for Cambodia
The Time is Now for Cambodia 1024 536 Cambodia Development Center

AUTHOR Dr. Un Kheang is a Professor of Political Science at the Northern Illinois University and Member of the Board…

AUKUS and the Need for ASEAN Unity
AUKUS and the Need for ASEAN Unity 1024 536 Cambodia Development Center

AUTHOR Dr. Un Kheang is a Professor of Political Science at the Northern Illinois University and Member of the Board…

150 150 Cambodia Development Center

Serei PanhavuthMember Biography Panhavuth was an intern at Cambodia Development Center. Currently, he is a student at INTO City, University…

Book Launching “Understanding the Fourth Industrial Revolution”
Book Launching “Understanding the Fourth Industrial Revolution” 150 150 Cambodia Development Center

កម្មវិធីសម្ពោធសៀវភៅ «ស្វែងយល់ពីបដិវត្តន៍ឧស្សាហកម្មទី៤»   ក្រោមមូលបទ «ការសម្រេចបានចក្ខុវិស័យកម្ពុជា ៤.០ ពេញលេញ ចាប់ផ្តើមពីការលើកកម្ពស់ការយល់ដឹងរបស់ប្រជាជន» រៀបចំដោយមជ្ឈមណ្ឌលអភិវឌ្ឍន៍កម្ពុជា បានប្រព្រឹតិ្តទៅយ៉ាងរលូន នាព្រឹកថ្ងៃទី១៤ ខែកញ្ញា ឆ្នាំ២០២១ តាមរយៈប្រព័ន្ធ Zoom Webinar។ កម្មវិធីសម្ពោធសៀវភៅ «ស្វែងយល់ពីបដិវត្តន៍ឧស្សាហកម្មទី៤ នេះ មានកិត្តិយសទទួលបានការចូលរួមជាអធិបតីភាពដ៏ខ្ពង់ខ្ពស់របស់…

Looking Ahead: Cambodia in 2022 and Beyond
Looking Ahead: Cambodia in 2022 and Beyond 1024 536 Cambodia Development Center

AUTHOR *Mr. Heng Kimkong is a Visiting Senior Research Fellow at Cambodia Development Center, an Australia Awards scholar pursuing a…

EPISODE 11: Cambodia’s Business Environment During and After COVID-19
EPISODE 11: Cambodia’s Business Environment During and After COVID-19 1024 576 Cambodia Development Center

 Topic Cambodia Speaker Dialogue Episode 11 under the topic “Cambodia’s Business Environment During and After COVID-19” with Mr. Seang…

Macroeconomic Impacts of Remittances: A Two-Country, Two-Sector Model
Macroeconomic Impacts of Remittances: A Two-Country, Two-Sector Model 1024 536 Cambodia Development Center

AUTHOR *Sokchea Lim is an assistant professor and Mulwick scholar in the Department of Economics and Finance at John Carroll…

Cybersecurity in Cambodia: Awareness as a First Step
Cybersecurity in Cambodia: Awareness as a First Step 1024 536 Cambodia Development Center

AUTHOR *Dr. Riccardo Corrado is an assistant professor and chair of the ICT program at the American University of Phnom…

EPISODE 10: Cambodia’s National Interest and Foreign Policy Principles
EPISODE 10: Cambodia’s National Interest and Foreign Policy Principles 960 540 Cambodia Development Center

Topic Cambodia Speaker Dialogue Episode 10 under the topic “Cambodia’s National Interest and Foreign Policy Principles” with Dr. Neak Chandarith,…