Executive Summery: Capacity Assessment and Development of STEM High School Model: The Case of Kampong Speu Province

Executive Summery: Capacity Assessment and Development of STEM High School Model: The Case of Kampong Speu Province

Executive Summery: Capacity Assessment and Development of STEM High School Model: The Case of Kampong Speu Province 1024 536 Cambodia Development Center


*Dr. Chey Chan Oeurn is a Senior Researcher at Cambodia Development Center. He is also a Vice Dean of the Faculty of Science of Royal University of Phnom Penh, in charge of research and international relations.

**Dr. Sriv Tharith is a Senior Researcher at Cambodia Development Center. He is also a Lecturer at Royal University of Phnom Penh and Program Coordinator of the M.Sc. in Physics Program, Graduate School of Science.

***Dr. Hul Siengheng is a Senior Researcher at Cambodia Development Center. He has been invited to more than hundred times as a keynote speaker in national and international scientific events.

****Dr. Un Leang is a Member of Board of Directors at Cambodia Development Center. He is also a  Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Royal University of Phnom Penh.

*****Ms. Chea Muykim is the Deputy Program Manager at Cambodia Development Center.

ABOUT the Study

The objective of the study is to find the most practical STEM education model for Kampong Speu province where existing conditions are sufficient to propose a model, potentially expanding nationwide. Conceptually, the study aims at preparing skill graduates for the skill-based workforce, especially for the industrial zones and for post-secondary education with a strong background in STEM for future socio-economic development.

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