We envision CD-Center to be “a founded contributor – academically and professionally – to a developed Cambodia.”

The “Cambodia Development Center” is a non-profit, research think tank. The CD-Center purports to make contribution to the sustainable and peaceful development – particularly those of the Kingdom of Cambodia – through scientific based researches, national and international policy development, and human resource capacity building in the today context of deepening globalization and regionalism as well as an increasingly volatile and complicated international political development.

The objectives of the CD-Center are:
- to contribute to national and international policy development through undertaking relevant researches and projects;
- to facilitate and coordinate the policy implementation through mobilizing the relevant stakeholders;
- to enhance the capacity of individuals and institutions, particularly those of Cambodia, to productively and positively engage in development process;
- to empower young professional, especially those of Cambodia, through peer coaching, skills training, and providing them with opportunities to contribute to formulating development policies and priorities; and
- to provide forums and platforms for discussion and dialogue on development issues.

The CD-Center does its utmost to create, develop, and disseminate ideas, policies and strategies on national, regional and international development and to nourish human resources by focusing the three main activities as below:
Research and Publication
CD-Center is committed to encouraging scientific based researched and to share and disseminate its research findings, new ideas, policies and strategies recommendations to all relevant stakeholders including the students and public. This task is carried out through a variety of its activities including series of publications, online postings, and such one-off and series events as research seminars, public lectures, and workshops. The CD-Center considers research and publication as one of the prime tasks because it believes that scientific based research and other projects have broader impacts only when their results and findings are effectively and widely communicated and spread to all stakeholders through multiple channels.
Training and Outreach
The CD-Center makes the best efforts to raise the professional skills and capacity building of active population from different sectors, students and researchers – particularly those of Cambodia – to an international standard. In addition, the CD-Center provides opportunities for scholars and experts, especially Cambodians, to upgrade and enhance their academic and policy research capability on various issues regarding national and international development and cooperation, particularly, in response to the government’s need for evidence-based internal and external policy formation. The CD-Center’s mission of research highlights the significant needs of national and international development, the increasing acknowledgement of the importance of research-based policy formation, and the growing needs of upgrading research capacity of scholars, and the role of research in creating new ideas and strategies. For that purpose, the Center will work with other partners to bid for various research projects. It will also offer training courses and workshops aiming at professional development and capacity building.
Policy Development Contribution
In addition to the above noble missions, the CD-Center is tasked with another important mission – the provision of platforms and forums for all stakeholders to exchange views, discuss the issues, and debate on various topics of national and international interests. This mission is embedded in the CD-Center’s belief that a shared expectation among all stakeholders is important and necessary for a policy to be successfully developed and implemented. The CD-Center aspires to achieve this goal by providing platforms and forums through its online discussion platforms and organized one-off and series events such as panel or round table discussions, seminars, and symposiums. These platforms and forums enable both local and foreign academics, practitioners, policy makers, politicians, and the public to share, exchange, and communicate their views, experience, and expertise to develop more comprehensive and integrated solutions, recommendations, policies, and strategies so that they can be successfully and fruitfully implemented.