The publication guidelines aim to assist CD-Center researchers, fellows, staff and external authors in writing and preparing papers for publication at the Cambodia Development Center.
When followed, these guidelines will help CD-Center’s researchers to achieve a common standard of publication and a minimum level of quality in content and presentation, as well as uniformity of appearance in both external and internal communications. It is important that the publications are consistent in content and appearance, and have been subjected to peer review to assure its quality, integrity and objectivity, meeting an acceptable standard of research.
We seek to include diversity along with many dimensions such as discipline, career stage, gender and sexual orientation, and ideological perspective. The publication team shares the responsibility of ensuring that the publication is presented in the best possible manner.
Authors should prepare their manuscripts according to the instructions given in this guideline. Manuscripts which do not conform to the format and style required by the Center will be returned to the authors for revision.
Formatting Guidelines:
- Page setup: A4 paper size with 1-inch margins
- Font: Arial with 12-point font size for English and Khmer OS Siemreap with 12-point font size (9 points font size for footnote of both Languages)
- Line spacing: One point fifteen
- Text: Justified
- Title
- Author(s) information and contact (name(s); institutional affiliations; address; email; and telephone number)
- Main text (Follow the format guideline of different publication categories)
Reference: APA style referencing 6th edition (in alphabetical order; one and a half spacing)
The following categories of publication are designed and defined to systematize CD-Center’s objective setting and visions.
CD-Center book is a by-product of any project of the Center or the work of CD-Center fellows and scholars. Types of book that are authorized under the publication of CD-Center include a scholarly monography and reference work. It can be in the forms of a paper copy or electronic copy. A book shall include:
- Title page
- Dedication
- Foreword
- Preface
- Acknowledgments
- About the book
- Table of Contents
- About the Author(s)
- About the Editor(s) (If any)
- List of Abbreviations
- List of Figures and/or Tables
- Text body (usually comprised of chapters)
- Appendices
- Glossary
- Bibliography
- Index
Authors are required to include in-text citation within the body text and a list of endnotes at the end of each chapter.
Policy Briefs
A policy brief is a clear and precise summary of a particular issue, a policy that deal with that issue and give recommendations on how to improve a situation with the best policy option possible and available. A policy brief is usually written in an intent to provide policy recommendations to policy makers and other stakeholders who influence policy outcomes. A policy brief shall include:
- Title
- Executive Summary (of no more than 150 words)
- Keywords (up to 5 key words)
- Context
- Analysis
- Recommendations
- Conclusion
- References
- Appendices
An article refers to a writing of a particular topic or issue with a concise information and analysis, in an attempt to advance public understanding and generate new knowledge to the general public in an easy-to-understand manner. An article shall include:
- Title
- Abstract (of no more than 150 words)
- Keywords (up to 3 key words)
- Introduction
- Main text
- Conclusion
- Reference
Reports are defined as written essays that identify and examine issues or findings as a result of research findings. A report shall include:
- Title
- Table of Content
- Executive summary (of no more than 250 words)
- Keywords (up to 5 key words)
- Introduction
- Methodology
- Findings
- Discussion
- Conclusion
- Recommendations
- References
- Tables and/or Figures
- Appendices
Working Papers
Working Papers are generally the pre-publication versions of research papers, academic articles or book chapters presented or submitted to receive comments before completing the work for an official publication. The working papers may also be a paper that is presented at a conference or seminar to provoke discussions among specific groups. A working paper shall include:
- Title
- Abstract (of no more than 200 words)
- Introduction
- Methodology
- Result
- Discussion
- Conclusion
- References
- Tables and/or Illustrations (if any)
Seminar Reports
A seminar paper summarizes and synthesizes main ideas, conclusions and recommendations from significant seminars, conferences, forums or meetings that CD-Center has organized or co-sponsored. A seminar paper shall include:
- Title
- Introduction
- Seminar Content
- Conclusion
Essay and Research Contest
This category is reserved specifically for an Essay or Research Contest hosted by Cambodia Development. Detailed guidelines of this category may be found in a separate file.
Aide-mémoire is defined as a short and simple but precise summary of a specific issue or topic by outlining key intel of the issue. An aide-mémoire shall include:
- Title
- Introduction
- Main Text
- Conclusion (Optional)
- References
- Figures/Illustrations (Optional)
Senior Researcher
A senior researcher of CD-Center is someone who writes research publications for CD-Center but does not necessarily work for CD-Center. He/She can be a researcher, policy-maker, or officer at other institutions or organizations but wishes to help accelerate CD-Center research vision. A senior researcher must fulfill the following requirements:
- Hold a Ph.D. degree or be a current PhD candidate;
- Share similar visions to CD-Center;
- Proven academic/research experiences;
- Have exception knowledge in the field of research at least 5 years;
- Have at least 5 publications in the past 5 years;
- Provide necessary research-relevant training/consultation as per request from CD-Center;
- Contribute research papers or any types of publications to CD-Center at least once a year.
A researcher of CD-Center is someone who writes research publications for CD-Center but does not necessarily work for CD-Center. He/She can be a researcher, policy-maker, or officer at other institutions or organizations but wishes to help accelerate CD-Center research vision. A researcher fellow must fulfill the following requirements:
- Hold a Master’s Degree or Ph.D. Degree;
- Share similar visions to CD-Center;
- Proven academic/research experience;
- Have exception knowledge in the field of research at least 5 years;
- Have at least 3 publications in the past 5 years;
- Provide necessary research-relevant training/consultation as per request from CD-Center;
- Contribute research papers or any types of publications to CD-Center at least once a year.
Junior Researcher
A junior researcher of CD-Center is someone who writes research publications for CD-Center but does not necessarily work for CD-Center. He/She can be a researcher, policy-maker, or officer at other institutions or organizations but wishes to help accelerate CD-Center research vision. A junior research fellow must fulfill the following requirements:
- Hold a Bachelor or Master’s degree;
- Share similar visions to CD-Center;
- Proven academic/research experience;
- Have exception knowledge in the field of research at least 2 years;
- Have at least 1 publication in the past 2 years;
- Provide necessary research-relevant training/consultation as per request from CD-Center;
- Contribute research papers or any types of publications to CD-Center at least once a year.
Research Fellow
This category is specifically reserved for the Research Fellowship Program hosted by Cambodia Development Center. Specific and detailed information about the descriptions and requirements of the Fellows can be found in a separate file.
Research Associate
A research associate of CD-Center is someone who works for CD-Center under the name of a researcher of an institution. A research associate must follow the following:
- Hold a Master or Ph.D. degree or be a PhD candidate;
- Share similar visions to CD-Center;
- Provide necessary research-relevant training/consultation as per request from CD-Center;
- Contribute research papers or any types of publications to CD-Center at least twice a year;
- Have at least two written publication work.
Outsource Researcher
An outsource researcher work for CD-Center on research-based project within a given timeframe as given in the agreement between CD-Center and the researcher.
Author is a term refers to the researchers who publish their papers with CD-Center through “Call for Paper” platform.
- Can be an undergraduate, graduate, or post-graduate;
- Share similar visions to CD-Center;
- Contribute research papers or any types of publications to CD-Center;
- Submit an online application along with his/her research paper on CD-Center Website through the year.
Volume refers to the number of year the articles/journals have been in publications. At the beginning of each year, new Volume will be numbered in accordance to number of year. For example, Volume 1 is used in 2019. Thus, in 2020, the publications will be issued in Volume 2. Regardless of how many articles are published within one Volume, as soon as new year starts new Volume will start as well and this principle applies to all types of publications under CD-Center.
The Author(s) of any types of paper submission; be it a Book, Working Paper, Report, Policy Brief, Article, or Seminar; is required to attach a copy of their resume/portfolio along with their works when they submit their work to CD-Center through “Call for Paper” section in Cambodia Development Center official website: www.cd-center.org
Plagiarized and self-plagiarized works are serious academic and moral offense, and CD-Center has zero tolerance regarding this issue. Thus, any submitted work, under any circumstances, if found plagiarized, will not be accepted for review or publication.