• By admin
  • Wednesday February 3rd, 2021

150 150 Cambodia Development Center

Chey Chan Oeurn

Senior Researcher


Chan Oeurn Chey graduated his PhD from the Department of Science and Technology, Institute of Technology, Linköping University, Sweden. He is working as person in charge of Graduate School of Science at the Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP). Chan Oeurn also works as a vice dean of the Faculty of Science, in charge of research and international relations, of RUPP. He also works as teacher trainer and team leader for Cambodia team for the Asian Physics Olympiad (APhO), International Physics Olympiad (IPhO), Search for SEAMEO Young Scientists (SSYS), APT-JSO and Global Natural History Day (GNHD) competitions. Currently, he is working as the project coordinator for science program in the Sweden-RUPP bilateral program (2019-2023) and as coordinator of research component at RUPP for Higher Education Improvement Project (HEIP 2018-2023). He also published numbers of scientific research papers in international peer review journals.