Generative AI in higher education: The need to develop or revise academic integrity policies to ensure the ethical use of AI in Cambodia

Generative AI in higher education: The need to develop or revise academic integrity policies to ensure the ethical use of AI in Cambodia

Generative AI in higher education: The need to develop or revise academic integrity policies to ensure the ethical use of AI in Cambodia 1024 536 Cambodia Development Center


*Mr. Sok Sarin is an Education Quality Manager at the University of Puthisastra and an Assistant Managing Editor of the Cambodian Journal of Educational Research.

**Dr. Heng Kimkong is a Visiting Senior Research Fellow at Cambodia Development Center. He is also a National Technical Advisor at the Department of Scientific Research of MoEYS and a Co-Founder & Editor-in-Chief of the Cambodian Education Forum.

ABOUT Article

Given the emerging and rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI), universities across the globe have either developed new academic integrity policies and guidelines or revised their existing policies to prevent students from irresponsible or unethical use of AI-powered tools or applications, particularly regarding plagiarism and cheating, in academic settings. Although plagiarism is not a new phenomenon in the academic context, the emergence of large language models (LLMs) has made this form of academic misconduct become a highly complex phenomenon. In the Cambodian context, given that ChatGPT was made freely available in November 2023, the specific policies and guidelines related to the use of AI-powered tools or applications have not been widely discussed. In light of this, the present article aims to bring this issue to the foreground by critically examining the concerns associated with the unethical use or misuse of AI in higher education from a general perspective before zooming in on the overview of AI use in Cambodian higher education.

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